Country: Swiss

Year of investment: 2022

Year of foundation: 2017

Theme: Sustainable mobility

Daphne Technology

If global shipping were a country, it would be the sixth largest producer of greenhouse gas emissions. Like all modes of transportation that use energy sources (e.g., fossil fuels) to do their work, the shipping industry generates waste, or pollution, from the consumption of these energy sources. 

Daphne Technology SA (DT) is a Swiss company that aims to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by developing specific technology for the maritime industry so that ships can meet or exceed local and international IMO (International Maritime Organization) emission standards. 

Daphne Technology’s Universal Green Converter is installed on ships as a plug and play solution to remove toxic pollutants and greenhouse gas emissions from engine and boiler exhaust. Their technology reduces both air and marine pollution for ships powered by heavy/residual fuel, LNG and future fuels. 


Investors wishing to subscribe to the ONE CREATION cooperative may be individuals, institutional investors, philanthropic foundations or NGOs, commercial companies, family offices or public authorities.

Family Offices

ONE CREATION is a long term project for the creation of a patrimony, without neglecting the need for an annual income.