Our organization

ONE CREATION is a cooperative under Swiss law, governed by the Code of Obligations, art. 828 et seq., which defines it as “a cooperative formed by a variable number of persons or commercial companies, organised corporately, and which pursues mainly the aim of favouring or guaranteeing, through joint action, the economic interests of its members or which pursues an aim of public utility.

The General Assembly

The General Assembly of associates is the supreme power of the Cooperative according to article 12 of its statutes. Any associate may, during a general meeting, present one or more proposals to be included in the agenda of the next meeting, provided that they are supported by five associates.

When exercising the right to vote, each associate is entitled to one vote at the General Meeting, regardless of the amount invested, which guarantees a total fairness amongst associates. In addition, a partner may represent a maximum of two partners, including himself.

Furthermore, an Extraordinary General Assembly may be convened if at least one tenth of the associates request the administration to convene it in writing, indicating the items to be included in the agenda.

The Board of Directors

The Board of Directors consists of seven directors, including a Chairman and a Vice-Chairman. The Board has the legal responsibility for the Cooperative and for all decisions regarding the acquisition of shareholdings or similar.

The supervisory body

BDO is the designated auditor for the external audit of the accounts.

Management Company

The Cooperative is managed by CONINCO Explorers in finance SA, which was founded in 1990 and, since 2012, has been authorised by FINMA to manage collective investment schemes within the meaning of Articles 13 et seq. of the Swiss Federal Act on Collective Investment Schemes (CISA).

CONINCO’s management team has over 30 years of proven expertise in investment consulting and financial management of pension funds.

CONINCO is a signatory to the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) and is also a B Corp entity. It is fully committed to developing sustainable investment solutions.

Management performs its duties for ONE CREATION through the Strategic Committee.

The Strategic Committee

The Strategic Committee is the body within the Management Board specifically dedicated to the management of ONE CREATION. It is responsible for setting up and ensuring compliance with processes, administrative organisation, day-to-day management of the portfolio and aspects of communication and marketing. It reports directly to and assists the Board of Directors in approving decisions.



Investors wishing to subscribe to the ONE CREATION cooperative may be individuals, institutional investors, philanthropic foundations or NGOs, commercial companies, family offices or public authorities.

Family Offices

ONE CREATION is a long term project for the creation of a patrimony, without neglecting the need for an annual income.