Country: Suisse

Year of investment: 2013

Year of foundation: 2011

Theme: Énergies renouvelables

H Glass

H Glass is a Swiss company active in the design, engineering, manufacturing, marketing and sales of a new type of transparent and colored solar cells. 

The company produces solar cells based on DSC (Dye Sensitized Solar Cells) technology. This technology was developed by Professor Michael Graetzel at the EPFL in Lausanne, Switzerland. This technology is often compared to a kind of artificial photosynthesis. To replicate this photosynthesis, a chemical process is used instead of conventional silicon in solar panels. H Glass has developed a unique manufacturing process for encapsulating chemical components in glass. A major market opportunity is BIPV (Building-integrated photovoltaic). 


Investors wishing to subscribe to the ONE CREATION cooperative may be individuals, institutional investors, philanthropic foundations or NGOs, commercial companies, family offices or public authorities.

Family Offices

ONE CREATION is a long term project for the creation of a patrimony, without neglecting the need for an annual income.