2024 ONE CREATION meeting at Solarstratos

Thanks to the support of our ambassador Raphaël Domjan, this year’s ONE CREATION General Meeting was held in the specially equipped Solarstratos hangar at Payerne airport.

Following a presentation by the management of ONE CREATION’s activities over the past year and the outlook for 2024, those present had the opportunity to attend a presentation of the Solarstratos project by the initiator of the project himself. During his presentation, Raphaël Domjan illustrated the challenges facing our planet in terms of greenhouse gases and the need to support new technologies that can reduce our dependence on fossil fuels. In this context, electric and solar aviation are among the most important challenges of the 21st century.

It was with great enthusiasm that the participants at this General Meeting voted unanimously to renew ONE CREATION’s support for the PlanetSolar Foundation. The latter’s commitment to fighting climate change by promoting new technologies in the field of solar energy fits perfectly with ONE CREATION’s goals.

In 2024, ONE CREATION’s development will be accelerated by a management team and a board of directors who are motivated and aligned with the interests of the partners.


Investors wishing to subscribe to the ONE CREATION cooperative may be individuals, institutional investors, philanthropic foundations or NGOs, commercial companies, family offices or public authorities.

Family Offices

ONE CREATION is a long term project for the creation of a patrimony, without neglecting the need for an annual income.